Those of you who have been following my blogs over the last couple of years will notice an emphasis on “relationships” particularly the relationship with the triune God. Helen and I are on a journey seeking ways to effectively introduce others to the Creator of the Universe.

is4JNUA2J3We are currently looking at ways to foster discipleship in our home parish at Vanderhoof, B.C. In 2016, the Prince George Diocese offered a program called “Hearts Transformed” and 12 members of our home parish participated to one degree or another in this program. With its emphasis on relationship and prayer it provided us with a window on the “interior life”. Our parish seeks to move from “maintenance” to “mission” in order to effectively participate in the New Evangelization and that movement requires the commitment of Intentional Disciples. I think that an “intentional disciple” can be loosely defined as one who has developed a personal relationship founded on love with Jesus that has resulted in a surrender by that person to the will of God in that person’s life.

The key to this type of transformation is, I believe, to focus on the interior life and that focus involves the development of a prayer life. We have lately been working through Ralph Martin’s book “The Fulfillment of all Desires: A Guidebook for the Journey to God based on the Wisdom of the Saints”. There is also a Study guide available that can be used in small group study.

The object of the move to Mission is to truly transform our Parish into an evangelizing community that we may be effective as purveyors of the Good News to our family, friends, acquaintances and others. We know that this can only be done with the facilitation of the Holy Spirit whose plentiful grace makes all things possible. We will keep you informed moving forward as the Spirit continues to guide and direct our community in this endeavor. In the meantime, keep us in your prayers as we launch into this new initiative.



  1. Great blog, Kit!
    Yes, we as Catholics have to be better evangelizers and that happens first and foremost as we develop a personal relationship with Christ our King!
    Our Parish is involved with the Disvover Faith series which is a good tool for developing that relationship through small groups .. which facilitate good discussion.

    Living in the will of God is our life goal. This only happens when we submit ourselves to the work of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us!
    Consecrating ourselves to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart if Mary.. the beloved spouse of the HS is a sure way of living in the Divine Will… She will show us the way!


  2. Hi Chris and Helen. So interesting to read this post. I have also come to the conclusion that the only way to foster “intentional disciples” as you put it is to teach them to pray. This interior life opens a vista before us that is so exciting.
    Any soul who has had a taste of the Holy Trinity will never forget…even should she stray. Thanks much for sharing the fruits of your interior life. It is one of the many ways to show love to one another. Cheers


  3. Hi Chris and Helen. Prayer is the key….no doubt about it. In union with the Holy Trinity the possibilities are as endless and varied as our Creator Himself. Yayyy!


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